Tibetan Links


Apart from the website links I'm also quoting books and films on Tibet worth reading/watching. The links are not in any particular order - please review all of them to find what interests you.

Go to: websites books films


International Tibet Support Group

Lonely Planet site on Tibet - some useful free information

The Overeland Site - For people wanting to travel to Tibet overland. Tons of tips and assistance about overlanding through China.

Tibetan Information Network - and independent source of news and research on Tibet

Free Tibet Campaign

Himalayan Art Resources - a comprehensive research database, a virtual museum, of Himalayan and Tibetan art, culture, and history (out of New York)

Voice of Tibet - an independent Tibetan exile internet radio station.

Tibetan Government in Exile - the official website. In the official site of His Holines the Dalai Lama

Dalai Lama's Teachings - a program of lectures and travels of the Dalai Lama

Bön - The Pre-Buddhist Religion of Tibet

Italian Charity website building schools in Tibet

Tibet Environmental Watch - also plenty of maps and sateliet images

Tibet Heritage Fund - Berlin-based non profit organisation devoted toprotecting the cultural heritage of Tibet

www.churchward.com/rel.html - A private website with lots of info and link on Tibetan Buddhism.

www.friends-of-tibet.org.nz Friends of Tibet from New Zealand. Lots of useful information about the Tibetan cause.

"The Frontline" - a Chinese-sponsored article in an Indian magazine. See what 'the other side' has to say.

Tibetan Alphabet - Find out more about this unique alphabet and language

The Tibet Map Institute based in France. Excellent and detailed maps of Tibet.


Patric French: “Tibet, Tibet – A personal History of a Lost Land”

ISBN 0 00 717755 0, Published 2004 - My favorite Tibetan read. Very well research - covers nearly every aspect of the Tibetan affairs. Much more thatn a trael log - makes you read it twice.

Tsering Shakya: “The Dragon in the Land of Snows: History of Modern Tibet since 1947”

Heinrich Harrer: “Seven Years in Tibet”

Sorrel Wilby “Journey Across Tibet”

Fosco Maraini “Secret Tibet”

“Tibet -Turning the Wheel of Life”

“The visions of Buddha”

James Hilton “Lost Horizon” First publihsed in 1933 – a work of fiction which coind the term ‘Shangri La”


“Seven years in Tibet” by Jean-Jaques Annaud, with Brad Pitt. Based on the book by Heinrich Harrer. Very Good and authentic, even though made in Hollywood.

“Kundun” by Martin Scorsese. Its musical scroe by Phillip Glass has been nominated for an Oscar in 1997. You need to know a bit about Tibet to understend the film properly. Visually stunning.

“What remains of us” - A documentary, shot over an eight-year period, was done secretly without the Chinese authorities knowledge in order to protect the lives of the participating Tibetan persons. Made by the two non-professional Canadian directors from Quebec, Hugo Latulippe and François Prévost. Shown mainly at film festivals to closed audiences.